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let’s talk

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Online platform for mental health

making resources accessible for everyone to lead happier lives.

00. Cover Pic 2.png

Sole UI/UX Designer

September-October 2021

project overview

Lets Talk is a concept app created during my Google UX Certificate Program. It aims to make mental health resources more accessible to everyone- from giving information to booking sessions to small activities.

my responsibilities

  • User Research

  • Wire-Framing

  • Prototyping

  • Usability Test

  • Visual Design

design process




  • The increase in mental health stress

  • Why is mental health access needed

  • Surveys and interviews

  • Empathy Maps

  • User Journeys

  • Competitive Analysis

  • How might we's

  • Crazy 8s

  • Storyboarding

  • Wireframing


Users are often unaware of coping mechanisms and techniques and have no access to help when it comes to their mental health.

002 problem.png



  • Usability Testing

  • Testing KPIs

  • Insights and feedback

  • High fidelity mockups

  • Final prototype


The Let’s Talk app will let users find therapists in their area a well as give them tools designed to help people take care of themselves.

004 User Personas.jpg

user personas

user research


I surveyed a total of 35 people, for rapid and general user perceptions regarding the topic.


I interviewed a total of 7 people, for a detailed understanding of their thinking.

The participants were from a diverse set of socio-economic-cultural backgrounds, across different ages and genders. I then created empathy maps and user journeys to better understand and define user needs. The main insights from the research were as follows:

003 Research.jpg

pain points

005 Pain Points.png

Users need a way to access therapy privately, with different price ranges to choose from and a flexible time schedule. Information of and access to other self-care solution like mindfulness practice and journaling habits is also a great benefit to users.


I spent a lot of time researching the users before ideation. It was important that the platform worked well for their needs, and also gave them a cohesive user experience.

Screenshot 2022-02-19 at 11.31.24 PM.png

Some questions I worked through during the ideation process include:


  • How might we create an atmosphere that helps users feel safe?

  • How might we make users feel more comfortable when asking for help?

  • How might we support users on their self-care journey?

site map

006 Site Map.png



Some early iterations of the design based on user pain points. These are a few of interactions, explaining onboarding and a basic user flow.

008 Colour and Type.png

user testing

I was able to conduct a usability test with a group of 6 people which allowed me to receive a lot of feedback. Due to lockdown restrictions, the test was done remotely. It helped me understand more about how the product would better suit user needs. 


Overall, users found the navigation to be easy and understood the information architecture of the product well. They were also pretty happy with the features Let's Talk had to offer.

I realised that there were some problems with visual clarity, such as some confusing labels and icons and there was a need to include some more payment options. I corrected these issues before going forward towards the final mockups.



M1. Homepage.png

Homepage with featured daily and/or weekly tasks-mindfulness and affirmations- for different parts of the day.

M2. Location.png

Book sessions according to where you live.

Users have a choice between physical (in person) and remote sessions

M3. Book Session.png

Option to book one session at a time.
Being able to go for just the first session becomes much easier than committing to multiple ones

M4. Booking Process.png

booking session user flow

other screens


M5. Library.png

An AI buddy which acts as your personal journal to vocalise all your feelings/ frustrations without any judgement.

M6. Virtual Buddy.png

A self-help library with catalogues of techniques and short activities to help deal with everyday troubles.

M5.2 Confidence.png

sleep well

Short videos and/or audio tracks on a variety of topics.

5-15 minutes long so they don’t take a lot of time in the day.

Self-Paced, can be watched/heard at anytime

M5.1 Sleep.png



M7. Community.png

A collection of curated articles on topics related to mental health, day to day problems and simple solutions.

M8. Illustrations.png


responsive website



reflections and takeaways

Crafting the user experience from beginning to end, as a final capstone project, helped me better understand a lot of the design aspects.

I learnt that it can take several iterations and testing rounds to get to the final product, and there is always scope for improvement.

I also learnt a lot about conducting interviews- how to get and interpret feedback, how to ask for clarification without showing a bias, how to turn insights into actionable design solutions. Overall, it was a fantastic learning experience. 

Key Takeaway:


Testing designs frequently is of utmost importance. It is the best way to get real feedback, without the interruptions of our own biases.

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