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built space and the user experience

campus design

designing for learning through the use of environmental psychology

undergraduate thesis 2021

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project abstract

Environmental Psychology, which is the interaction between human beings and their environments, can help in creating better built spaces.
The idea is to create an environment that will encourage
interaction, creativity, problem-solving and will enrich the learning experience.


Traditional colleges and classroom environments are often closed, box like spaces, which aren’t the most optimised for promoting student productivity and well being.


To create spaces for learning which facilitate better cognition, concentration and creativity while ensuring a calm and restorative environment.

user research

I surveyed a total of 55 people, and interviewed 5, comprising mainly of students and teachers. I then created empathy maps to better understand and define user needs.
The main insights from the research were as follows:

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students said that their college environments often hindered their learning experience.

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responders believed that physical spaces could affect their learning and college experience

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favourite places on campus

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library/quiet places

nooks and niches

canteen/ café

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open/ green spaces

pain points



The biggest problem that students faced was Poor Light. Classrooms are often designed in ways that inhibit a good supply of natural light.

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Poor ventilation by way of insufficient windows and openings can make rooms stuffy, which causes discomfort and hinders concentration.

3.2 Ventillation.png



Smaller rooms with a more people and rigid internal circulation causes crowding and restricts movement.

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Open Areas

Campuses without any open/green spaces do not give much opportunity for interaction, which plays a crucial role in a student's college experience.

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site surroundings

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Location: Thane, Maharashtra

- The site is surrounding with mainly residential clusters.
- It is easily accessible through multiple public transport systems


Residential Blocks

Main Road


Bus Stops

design elements

Elements inspired by environmental psychology help in transforming the spatial experience.

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Natural Light




Interactive Spaces

design solution

design concept: responsive environments

The idea is to create a built environment that provide its users with an essentially democratic setting: enriching their opportunities by maximizing the degree of choice available to them.

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There are multiple, alternative, intertwining pathways to access different areas on site.

Mixed use open spaces, with pedestrian access, interspersed between various building forms.

design development

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volumetric zoning

dispersed program: encourages exploration and circulation

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developing courtyards

the courtyards act as centres for interactive activities

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staggering the building form

different volumes play with light and shadow, creating interesting internal spaces

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arranging of spaces around a void, making it a centre of activities.

protrusions and terraces leading to spaces for interactive activities.

grouping of built forms

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final design

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site plan

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library & admin

academic block




games & storage



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sectional-elevation: north

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academic block

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The Academic block is designed with the intent of creating spaces which facilitate learning by way of encouraging interaction and movement.

- Terraces and spill out spaces designed as
   extensions to formal learning areas.
- Planning flexible internal circulation which
  breaks the stereotype of the rigid classroom.

the stepped terraces 

ground floor plan

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first floor plan

second floor plan

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interactive corridors

Corridors inevitably become gathering spaces in buildings. Hence, designing them with an engaging colour palette, interspersed with informal seating, maximises this potential for interaction.


It acts as a inlet for ample natural light during the day. It also makes the space appear larger and open.


Flexible furniture allows for changing seating arrangements. Access to terraces that are extension of the learning space.

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short section

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library and admin

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The Library is designed with the aim of creating a space that is cheerful and comforting, which can encourage reading and contemplation.

  • Intentional creation of offsets in the building lead small, cozy reading corners.

  • Use of a colour fun, engaging colour palette in the niches to create more informal reading pockets.

  • Materiality of brick and concrete creates a sensorial experience.

ground floor plan

sectional elevation: north-east

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long section

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reader's wall

An informal and flexible area with niches of coloured seating, overlooking the greenscape outside, flanking each side-wall.
The waffled ceiling helps distinguish the area.

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reader's corner

The curved wooden partition creates cozy, intimate areas for more private reading.
Large windows provide views towards the outside green open spaces, adding to the biophilic element of the design.

interaction zones on site

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central entrance courtyard

The central area between the Academic and the Library block is designed as an open green space that can be an outdoor waiting area or or a general gathering space.

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café-playground courtyard

The irregular stepped seating makes for nice audience seating while watching a performance. It can also double as grounds for meetings, discussions and general interactions.

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courtyard at the library

This space is more informal and suited for casual student hangouts. Seating interspersed shrubbs and large trees providing a cool shade makes it a very comfortable spot.

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café outdoor seating

The café has an outdoor seating extension, overlooking the courtyard. A vibrant colour palette makes it a very cheerful and energetic place.

thank you!

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